-credit to nedroid for strange art

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Gas prices. That’s the weak spot. If Americans’ gas pump prices go waaaay up they can and will oust this administration sooner or later. We need to impose absolutely punishing export fees on oil and gas, using the revenues gained to protect any other sectors they slap tariffs on (currently steel and aluminum). The big oil companies can absorb the hit, they make insane profits, no sympathy for them – we should pass emergency regs to prevent them from passing on the expense by laying off workers. If they want to do business in Canada and access our resources, they also need to help defend Canada in our time of need.

  • with only Sen. Mitch McConnell breaking GOP ranks to oppose her

    Oh so NOW you’re worried, it would seem, about your legacy and whether you stood against fascism?

    Mitch McConnell, you will always be remembered for obstructing, gaslighting, packing the SCOTUS with toadies, and then flip-flopping on impeachment and accountability for your party, the insurrection, and enabling the orange menace to return to power. Forever. People will piss on your grave, and they will be justified.


  • And I agree about FPTP. I still have a grudge against the Liberals for promising to abolish that in 2015 and then reneging on it.

    Agreed, it’s my number 1 reason I would never, ever have voted for Trudeau – didn’t vote for him thee first term either as I suspected he would renege. (Reason number 2: he also reneged on his promise to reign in CSE and CSIS for domestic spying and privacy invasions).

    If there isn’t an organized strategic voting campaign nationwide, I may have to bite the bullet and vote Liberal this time though, if Carney is the leader, since the percentages seem to be leaning to them being the only way to prevent a hard right-wing shift here in Canada.

  • No no, I certainly do NOT want a 2 party system. But if the other parties could guide people to the idea of strategic voting via some sort of official but temporary alliance … that’s the idea. Something, anything we can do to prevent fragmentation which would let the CPC rise up through a divided middle.

    FPTP (First Past the Post) is so, so broken.