Which “bunch of people”? Question is way to vague to answer meaningfully, there are many people who have one reason or another to hate Wikipedia.
Which “bunch of people”? Question is way to vague to answer meaningfully, there are many people who have one reason or another to hate Wikipedia.
Sleep deprived probably
In general yes, but I would prefer if it had a wider variety of viewpoints on societal issues. I don’t even always disagree with the prevailing circlejerk here on everything, but I would occasionally like to read counterarguments to it too.
By definition in a dictatorship, there are either no parties, or there is only one party, or the parties that are not the one the dictator belongs to are not allowed to be in actual opposition to the ruling one or attempt to become the ruling one. (That last one is the case in North Korea and was the case in East Germany for most of its history.)
The best place to privately store anything is on your own machine, not anyone else’s.
I still do, but I’m not very young anymore, most people who regularly use TikTok are probably younger than me.
sorry, I probably should have checked, I have no objection to mods deleting this thread if this violates the rules here
Can this be explained by the fact that the Internet already has satisfactory answers to more and more questions, so there is less need to actively ask new ones?
I have released thousands of photos I took under free licenses.
KDE is a community of developers.
KDE Plasma is the desktop environment made by the KDE community.
This has been the correct terminology since 2009, much longer than “the past year or so”, but a lot of people do still call KDE Plasma just “KDE” colloquially, so maybe you have just been noticing people using the correct terminology more recently.