That’s a delight!
Here’s a helpful companion - MegaMan Box Art Image Collection
This is hilarious, but I need facts.
All together, we (Lemmy) are hotter than oatmeal, but we’re less interesting than office chairs. (On Reddit).
Always spend at least 20% of the time on stuff you know is necessary, but will never be prioritized by marketing heads.
This is the way.
Leadership: Please don’t prioritize code cleanup, we have critical features we need to release.
Me: Oh. I didn’t realize you were taking ownership of (complex code no one wants to be associated with). I’ve got diagrams I can send you.
Leadership: No, that’s still yours. We just need you to focus on these features, and not any planned maintenance, for just the next sprint.
Me: So you’ll take over guiding maintenance on (complex source code no one wants to get near)? I can send you the backlog for your project plans…
Leadership: That’s not what we’re saying. Please just prioritize the feature.
Me: Oh. Sure. I will prioritize that feature, and I’ll only do the bare minimum cleanup that can’t be avoided, right now. (Which will turn out to be however much cleanup I damn well please, because their eyes glaze over if I explain it, anyway.)
Leadership: Now you’re getting it!
Me: Gee whiz. Thanks for talking it through with me.
For me, the turning point was taking a bunch of classes on public speaking.
Getting in front of people helped me develop “personas” in unimportant contexts.
Now when I feel like I’m being weird, I can choose to retreat into one of my public speaking personas. And I can sort of hide inside the persona until whatever is bothering me passes.
The net effect on my interaction with the opposite gender is that when things get awkward, I become a kind of bland likeable that puts people at ease.
Only the people closest to me know that it’s a mask I wear to cover my own confusion or discomfort.
Lineage with microG is fine for most people
As a die hard paranoid security guru, I want to highlight your point here.
I adore GrapheneOS, but Lineage can be a fast and easy switch for a solid 80% or 90% improvement in privacy for most people.
So…my process (which you just accurately described) could be replaced by an LLM, after all? Hooray! Monkey feed isn’t too expensive, but a million mouths is still a million mouths.
I love that Lemmy finally has the kinds of communities appropriate to value a request for a sorting algorithm diagram dedicated to the King of Pop’s pet monkey!
(Just trying to do my part…)
Oh. Now I get it. Thanks.
Related code should go together as much as possible, for maintainability.
If this results in too much code together, it’s time to think about other ways to structure the code so that each thing the user can do fits into as few files as possible, but not too many things the user can do share a file.
I’m going to deviate a bit from your question, since you asked a bunch of questions, and aim at the implied question underneath: “is there any hope for a non-expert?”
A Synology network attached storage device (NAS) ships with reasonably good answers to the question “how can I have privacy and have some backups”.
It ships with apps that replace common cloud services with local backup equivalents.
It can also be configured to do local encryption before backing up to a cloud service, for data where disaster resilience is more critical than privacy (i.e. a library of family photos).
Edit: And as others have explained - we must always remember that the cloud is just someone else’s computer.
This is photoshopped, right?
Sorry. I didn’t mean to shock you. I’ll be more up front about my OF, in the future.
Year of the Linux desktop.
Agreed. But it’s particularly bad this year, because
It’s finally the year of the Linux desktop! Woohoo! Booyah!
Intellectually, I know this is about more than my ability to play Gauntlet:Dark Legacy, again on new hardware.
But in my heart, I suspect the developers are working under a poster of Valkyrie with the words “Do it for her” written across the top.
If you don’t have the nerve to hold a stock for 30 years through ups, downs, crashes and rebuilds, there’s a thing called a high yield savings account that may better fit your current stage of life better and risk tolerance.
And let’s all point to the sign:
“Only invest money that you don’t need right now, and could afford to lose.”
If Trump’s antics can make you sell, you should sell right now and not buy back in, because that’s money you should not have invested in the first place - by your own standards for peace of mind.
President Trump is far from the first or the last powerful person to wield massive global power that negatively affects the markets. Markets perform with strong returnsin spite of bullshit from world leaders, not because any world leaders are particularly competent (with some very rare exceptions).
It is scary right now. It really is. But that’s what investing is about. We risk some money we don’t need right now, in hope of some growth later. Pulling out when things are going down is statistically a guarantee to lock in losses. But peaceful sleep at night beats 2%-20% growth.
To answer your question: absolutely. Stocks are going to spend four or more years underperforming where they could have under better leadership. As they have done before, and as they will do again. That’s pretty much been true with every president during my lifetime, though, and through most of recorded history. Hindsight is 20/20, and all that. And anyway, democracies don’t, so far, tend to elect economists.
There’s been talk of linking Luanti servers with Stargates. I’m not aware of anyone having a working mod for it but it should be doable.
I try to throw Nebula a month of subscription every so often, since they do feel like a step in the right direction.
But the one that really replaced YouTube, for me, was DropOut.Tv.
And yeah, I guess that means silliness is more impottant than science videos, for me.
I’m still looking for a non-monopoly service for handyman stuff, if anyone has suggestions.
If I have to become a good enough coder to edit code, it sort of defeats the purpose of AI doing the code for me.
Yes. Yes it does.
And that’s the part they AI salesman are lying to you about.
The AI that can be created with current science make great copilots, and can never be trusted to pilot anything.
Nested tables is the best I can do…